Monday, October 17, 2011

First Dates

Erik and Leah, our leaders
 Last Saturday we enjoyed our first of the Six Dates in the Six Dates program.  We met in the school cafeteria at 6pm and were able to meet some other couples also attending the program.  We began with brief introductions and prayer lead by Erik and Leah. 

The video was entertaining with short clips of different couples weighing in with their brief stories of how they met, what they thought of each other at the beginning, what promises they made to each other in marriage, and what some joyful and difficult times they have had so far.  Some of their comments were pretty funny, I thought, especially in the case of the couple recounting about how their eyes met over the filing cabinets at work and they just knew they were destined to date.
The meeting and video encouraged us couples after leaving for our individual dates to share the same topics with one another over dinner.  The handout was nice in that it kept us focused but wasn't overbearing.  Our discussion wandered a bit based on the question and then we could come back to the next topic and start all over.  All in all, it was a wonderful night to reconnect, remember and enjoy the journey we've taken as spouses so far.  We even treated ourselves to dessert for our special evening together... :)

Gift package received upon arrival
We are already looking forward to the next Date Night which will be November 12th.  Save the date now and remember to tell other couples to come and join us, it doesn't matter if they were there for the first date night or not. 

Bottom line is that it's simple, it's fun and totally worthwhile!

 See you November 12th!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Registration is now open!

So you've checked out this site, talked it over with your spouse and are now wondering how you can register for such a simple and fun program?  Click on the Registration and Contact Info page in the list of pages at the top of this site to find the email and information we need from you to register.  Then all you need to bring is your fee on Oct. 15th and we'll be ready and waiting for you!

For more praise of the program check out the post: Why Come?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Did you see our article in the bulletin this Sunday?  Looking for more information?  You came to the right place.  Check out the pages of this site for all the details you need.  And if you have any more specific concerns email us.

In case you missed the bulletin...

You would have seen this article for our program!

Married Couples, join us for 6 evenings of fun! Caring for your marriage begins with making time for each other and having fun together. SIX DATES for Catholic Couples will be coming to SVDP Saturday Nights beginning Oct 15 @ 6 p.m. in the school cafeteria and continuing monthly on Nov 12, Jan 14, Feb 18, Mar 24, and Apr 21.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why Come?

We all know that it's important to work on our marriage... but Six Dates helps it not feel like work! 

Remember the butterflies you got when you and your spouse went on those first few dates and how it seemed like you could talk forever?  Those butterflies and the talking were two big elements that led to the marriage that you now have!  Now think about how much more you are in love with your spouse now because of the years (or maybe months) that you have spent together.  Let the Six Dates program combine these two aspects of your life to help you create Six great Dates.

All we ask is that you spend a little bit of time (less than a half hour!) with us before you plan a date for yourselves.  We'll watch a quick video that will give us some things to talk about during our dates so that we make the most of our time.  At the end of the night, we'll all go home knowing we have done something for our marriage but mainly... we had great date with a person who means so much to us!!  You can't beat that!

Six Dates for Catholic Couples

This blog is the place for news from the Six Dates for Catholic Couples program beginning at SVdP this Fall of 2011.  Check back as we update!

First Date is October 15th. 
Don't forget to check out the Restaurants page and Childcare page before the first date!